Types of Electric Garden Shredder

Types of Electric Garden Shredder

Types of Electric Garden Shredder If you are confused by all the names and types of electric garden shredder on the market – take heart – you are not alone. We have done more detailed explanations of the different sorts of technology used in separate posts – please follow the links if this is what […]

How Impact Garden Shredders Work

How Impact Garden Shredders Work

Understanding how impact garden shredders work is a great asset in your search for the garden shredder that is right for you and you garden. Impact Shredders – Cutting Mechanism The mechanism used by an impact shredder -also known as rotary or rapid shredder – is the simplest of all garden shredders. Impact shredders use […]

Garden Tools – Decibels Level Compared

Garden Tools – Decibels Level Compared

Most powered garden tools are inherently noisy.  This article takes a look at Garden Tools – Decibels levels. The aim is to try to give you a basis for understanding just how intrusive and noisy different garden machinery can be. Decibels Noise levels are measued in decibels.  An explanation of the decibel scale is beyond […]

Can I Use My Garden Shredder to Mulch Leaves?

Can I Use My Garden Shredder to Mulch Leaves?

Using a garden shredder to mulch leaves is a very common question. Leaf mulching is clearly a big deal for many gardeners.  Every year there are lots of questions, both to us directly and on Amazon, about the best ways of mulching leaves What is Leaf Mulching? I wanted to check we were all on […]

Winter – Best Time to Prune Deciduous Trees

Winter – Best Time to Prune Deciduous Trees

When to Prune Deciduous Trees Winter is the best time to prune deciduous trees. There are som exceptions but, for most trees, late winter is great. As I said in the about us page – I am not a gardener. My role is usually the heavy lifting stuff like pruning and digging. I strongly suggest […]

Garden Shredder Tips – How to Use Your Shredder to Get Rid of Brambles

Garden Shredder Tips – How to Use Your Shredder to Get Rid of Brambles

Garden Shredder Tips This garden shredder tip concerns how you can use your shredder to reduce the menace of brambles in your garden. Autumn Garden Tidying It’s autumn again. We have been doing some much needed tidying up around the garden and have encountered more brambles than we would like. Here’s how we use our […]

How To Compare Garden Shredder Sound Levels

How To Compare Garden Shredder Sound Levels

Garden shredder sound levels vary greatly between garden shredders. Impact shredders are the loudest, most raucous models on sale. It is not always easy to see how to compare garden shredder noise levels. Not all manufacturers publish sound figures. Where the sound figures are published they are often hidden away in the small print. What’s […]

Difference between Impact, Quiet and Turbine Cut Garden Shredders.

Difference between Impact, Quiet and Turbine Cut Garden Shredders.

At the Garden Shredder Review we are frequently asked – “What is the difference between impact, quiet and turbine cut garden shredders”? It is something I thought we had covered on the web site but it seems not well enough. So, in this article, we are going to review the definition of each type of shredder, how […]